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Main » 2009 » June » 5 » Contest: Rediscover The Wonders Of Milk (UPDATED)
Contest: Rediscover The Wonders Of Milk (UPDATED)
4:15 PM

experimentalism seanlon

This is an entry submission to this contest. The prizes are spectacular. Check out! Don't forget to vote 5 stars for my entry.  :P
Milk Loves You

Needless to say, MILK indeed does have nutritious nutrients. The most basic one is Calcium which has the ability to help strengthen our bones and teeth development .
experimentalism seanlon

Calcium joke. The funniest and most viable rationale/excuse heard is regarding reason why some girls appear huge is because of their bone size. Lol.

Anyways, milk plays a significant role in my life. But, it's a love-hate relation.

[PAST] Let me share with you a story about my relationship with MILK. If you look at my face in the video below, you can see my eyes have many eyelids. 

When I was 12 years old, I used to have swollen skin eyes frequently, every few months. It was because my skin eyelids have allergy to my surroundings. It comes and go often.

However, at once, it got so serious that the swelling on my right eyes totally covered my entire vision because i cannot open my eyes. As a result, I was admitted to the local hospital for a week to perform surgical operation to remove the swelling puss.
experimentalism seanlon

At that time(year 2000), my parents will always visit me and they buy me many packets of the UHT Dutch Lady Milk each session. It was wrapped with the 6 boxes. Although, they always buy both flavors, my guilty pleasure(preference flavor) that time was My addiction/ obsession for milk began that time.
experimentalism seanlon

I was very worried that time , fearing the swellings will come again. I didn't want to undergo the painful operation again!! Miraculously, I have no more encounter with such allergy after that. Wonders of milk? Maybe. Ever since then I have been drinking milk every morning without forgetting.

[CURRENT] My eyes have dark and heavy-hummock-like eyebags because I cannot sleep alot at certain nights because of stresses and overexcited-ness for the next day. Almost like insomnia except not that serious. Whenever, I expect that i cannot sleep each night, i will drink milk products like chocolate milk,milk,soya bean and etc before sleep. The gentle warmness in my stomach somehow does the trick!
experimentalism seanlon

I feel like milk is the exclusive ingredient in my life. As I am learning mouth beatbox right now, some sounds rely on my teeth and oral skills. I am glad milk makes my teeth stronger.

Okay, it appears I am a hardcore milk-lover? There are moments I hate milk too. Have your mom ever mix your milk with the ginseng water? hahaha. My mom used to do that. The Ginseng taste is so strong, that i hate it. BUT, now i am fine and used to that.
experimentalism seanlon

Right now, my favorite is Milo.
experimentalism seanlon

By the way, I also join the video contest category. I really desire to have those (prize) equipments to commercialize my home-production. Please vote for me!

Second entry.

Thanks again! and :D Btw, Tetra Pak Ultra Heat and packaging Tech rocks. Check out the expiry date!
experimentalism seanlon

Category: Life Log | Views: 2979 | Added by: sean | Rating: 5.0/1 |
Total comments: 6
3 Joyce Rachel  
LOL! I sense rediscoveries! Great post!

6 sean  
LOL! Thanks!

2 Naoko  
Really cool video! :D You're a very good beatboxer, I feel.

I like your entry, sorry to hear about your allergy. I thought the video should have UHT milk, not just normal milk?

5 sean  
Hi. i jz re-checked the site n yeah, u r right..i re-do already. Thanks for informing! biggrin

1 Viya  
Milk is my favourite. Especially the cold one ^^

4 sean  
Yeah.. i like cold milk too in the hot afternoon! biggrin

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