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Main » 2009 » April » 16 » A Presentational Thought From A UTAR student
A Presentational Thought From A UTAR student
6:43 PM

Firstly, completed my final presentation for the semester yesterday. Subject name is Knowledge and Innovation Management. UTAR Final Year Project Part I documentation completed and submitted!!! WooOHHoo!
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experimentalism seanlon

So, lately I have been having this thought related to college and studying years. Have you ever find yourself questioning yourself or your education institution, "Why must I take or study this subject?" Next, the follow up question is always "What I am learning now, is it practical or relevant to the working industry demand?". Then, the vast majority will tell you, "learning is continuous" especially education institutions. No doubt, they are healthy facts but looking back at the core issue questioned, why must some of us take a subject and have no choice in choosing the subject we like once we are enrolled in a course? (Applies to certain university or college only) It appears as though we are victim of the system.

From what I see, the solutions to the above problems questioned can be solved if students are given empowerment in studying the subjects. "WTF! Empowerment and student? huh? How?" you may asked. Institution should provide more elective subjects to students. Give them chance to choose subject the share passion for. Apart from that, boring lengthy lecture sessions should be cut down, and instead have lecture sessions to discuss through thorough assignments or self-studying findings. Also, get qualified lecturers who are industry professional or at least professionals in lecturing. I have lecturers using tutorial and lecture sessions to share about her daughter interests and other personal interest matters. This happens regularly. -.-

Another issue I think most of us(broke undergraduates) might agree(maybe) relates to the core issue aforementioned, which is "Why cant universities have courses on how to get rich? Get successful motivational speakers as lecturers for each subjects teaching you how to earn money? Instead of learning some boring irrelevant theories... etc" I went for industrial training before, and finance management is something totally new which got me dumb-founded. I started to get the feeling of being broke because not knowing how to plan, organize, lead and control finance to generate and maintain wealth. Then, I was struck by thoughts like how much better it would be if we can acquire fundamental lessons on generating and maintaining wealth during college/uni years. Don't know bout' you, I still feel useless, living with my parent's money. So at least, we can tell our parents we are equipped with money-making knowledge and skills . But, then again, the college will be broke if we know their trade secrets. ;)

Anyway, don't ask me to do referencing here. I just randomly express my feeling. lol.

Category: My Perspectives | Views: 823 | Added by: sean | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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